Surfer Diet: 10 Top Tips to Getting Surfer Strong

It’s obvious. You’ve all seen it online. All you need to look like a surfer is a curtain of beach blonde hair, a deep golden tan, and a bikini that goes up your bum.
Here is the ultimate guide to help you conquer the image based waters of sexualised surfing and find your “surfers body”.
Nothing prepares the body and the mind for water based sport more than nutrition. What we find on our plates and put in our mouths has a massive effect on our body. Improper nutrition or scientifically speaking, ‘mal-nutrition’ can effect all elements of surfing; your mood, your energy levels, your ability, and your endurance. It is easy to ignore the messages we hear about correct fuelling for sport, as most of us consider surfing a hobby that we are lucky to do. This should not mean that we fail to prime our bodies to optimum nourishment. But that we should feel like we can ride that wave 10 x longer than going out surfing on a gin hangover having only eaten an out of date cereal bar we found in the side pocket of the van!
Here’s the inside scoop on how to eat to improve your surfing in five simple steps:
Behold the exercises that actually help prepare the body for surfing from one of our water sports instructors and personal trainers. Strength is needed in certain areas of the body to sky rocket your surfing ability through the stratosphere!
Surfing is more than a sport, it's a lifestyle, a religion and a way of unwinding. The act of taking yourself into the wild sea with just a plank of wood is, distinguishably character building, brave and a positive omen for life. Going into the water feeling confident in your fitness, that you can tackle the waves, and be strong enough to swim to shore if you get into trouble takes guts. When you're surfing you confront the unknown relentlessly, you tune in louder to natural life, you become tirelessly resilient, you become empirical, you become audacious, you become unwavering in the eye of your sport, you get stronger, you find more balance, you get happier, and at long last; you get sexier.
Zen can be found in the cradles of a surfers smile, and that feeling where you don't give a second thought to time, keeping score, how messy your hair is, or what you look like. Getting a 'surfers body' is a state of confident energy. You have it. You just need to unlock it. This can be achieved in one simple step'
Look in the mirror and see a 'surfer's body' because you surf, and you have a body.
If you're looking to dive a little deeper in diet plans from an unbiased source, you can check out this article, which covers reviews of 10 common diet plans. Just keep in mind, that a diet should not be about restriction, but rather, about feeling good and maximising energy while enhancing your mental and physical state.
Indie Bornhoft is a personal trainer and watersports coach, who encourages her clients to make movement their mantra. She has coached every ability in wakeboarding, paddleboarding, SUP fitness, and windsurfing for over ten years, and is highly qualified in all disciplines. Discover more about her drive to just keep moving and be inspired to connect to the raw power of body & spirit through fitness.