Vivida Lifestyle leads a movement of adventurers, dreamers, thinkers, and doers. By creating products that support & empower this lifestyle, we hope to inspire an ever-growing community that pursues life in all the many ways that bring joy & meaning. With a philosophy deeply rooted in passion, mindfulness, and action, our company culture proves to embody these values just the same.

We are looking for people who love a challenge, a creative approach and a commitment to doing one’s best work. If you’re highly motivated, love taking action, and thrive both independently or alongside a team - we want to hear from you.


TRANSPARENCY – From day one, Vivida has always practiced radical transparency. For a team to be in alignment, and for honesty to hold its value in business, communication and openness is key. This is why we continually pursue transparency in all that we do, from hiring, to product development, future planning, and more.

SUSTAINABILITY -We believe we can make a difference and will always strive to do better. Sustainability is not a buzzword to us, it’s a very real and important aspect of our business that we continue to integrate as we grow.

HARD WORK – When you are doing what you love, hard work comes naturally. In a small business such as ours, every team member does their best because their work matters. There are no cubicles or small cogs in the machine, only hugely impactful and important roles that help this company to reach its potential.

EQUAL OPPORTUNITY – Diversity, inclusion, giving everyone the opportunity to join us and succeed – we hold tightly to these basic rights and values for all.

FREEDOM & FLEXIBILITY – All positions at Vivida are remote, which provides the freedom to work from anywhere and the flexibility to do your work in a way that suits your best life.

LIFELONG LEARNING – We understand you may want to grow and adjust in your career as time goes by. We fully support education and learning in ways that may inspire you to grow into new responsibilities with the company or enrich your life otherwise.

WORK / LIFE BALANCE – We believe that balancing one’s work with life’s other priorities is monumentally important. Whether taking a lunch break to practice yoga, or making time for a surf session, at Vivida, we understand it’s in balancing these things that life at work, home, and play can truly function at its best.


Location: Remote

Our current management team works remotely in various locations in the UK and Europe.

For the Vivida Lifestyle project to grow, we recognise the need to bring on experts to commercialise the brand, build a strong foundational business base, all while staying aligned & true to our brand values & deeper purpose. We are proud of our soulful culture and we strive to foster this contagious momentum by hiring and retaining smart, creative people who through communication and collaboration are able to deliver the story and energy of the Vivida Lifestyle.

Check out our open roles below. If we are not currently hiring for a position suited to you, please submit your profile below - we want to be proactive in accumulating profiles in advance of positions becoming available. Please do not contact us to ask about any submissions. We are a very small team and unfortunately cannot respond to all applicants.

B2B Sales Rep / or Distributor

Positions available for United Kingdom, United States, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, Portugal, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Czech Republic, Sweden, Turkey, Mexico, Central America, Caribbean.

Not essential but experience & already established network much preferred, ideally in the space of sustainable sportswear, activewear, swimwear, apparel, and the outdoors, lifestyle brands, surf, kitesurf, yoga, wakeboarding.

Please note this is not a position with a fixed salary; commission is earned on sales.

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Photographers / Videographers

Position: Freelance Photographers / Videographers

We're looking to build long term partnerships with talented freelance photographers and videographers who can bring exceptionally creative content of our products infused with lifestyle & epic nature adventure scenery.

The Ideal candidate:

• Already located / or travel frequently to beautiful scenic locations

• Work experience with other brands in our space or an existing portfolio of strong shots

• Kitesurfer / Surfer / Adventurer / Traveller / Yogi / Traveller / Outdoors & nature enthusiast

• A nimble spirit that can run the end-to-end management, from mood board to creative art direction to model management, etc.

When applying:

Please send us:

• Examples of work you have done that helps us imagine what you'd do for Vivida

Please note:

This is not a full time role, and not a role we are looking to fill urgently. The purpose of this job opening is for us to build up a portfolio of fantastic freelance photographers and videographers that we can contact for future campaigns. We know that as Vivida grows, we will put more resources into visual storytelling & photography. In the near future we will come to need a regular photographer and/or videographer that we work with on a project basis, which will eventually transition to full time in-house role, but this will not happen for a few years.

Please do not contact us to check in on the status of your application. Please know that we are receiving all applications and keeping them on file, but do not expect a reply as this is not a time sensitive position. As the brand and business grows, we will dip into our growing list of photographer applicants and reach out to a select few that stand out to us most and fit our needs.

Thanks for understanding!

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